
Please find below a list of many of the trainings that the Progressive Technology Project has conducted over the years. Each training contains links to materials used in the trainings.

This workshop was conducted by Alice Aguilar, Executive Director, of PTP and Scott Douglas, Executive Director of Greater Birmingham Ministries and Board Member of PTP during the Marguerite Casey Foundation 2014 National Convening on September 22nd, 2014 in Atlanta Georgia.

Workshop Description: PTP and GBM share their technology tools and demonstrate how they have helped grassroots organizations to expand their membership bases.




Community Agreements

Political Education

The email protocol is federated. That means, anyone can be an email provider and send email to any other email provider:

However, what happens when one or more providers start to dominate?

File attachments:

Presented at Stories+Money=Change Conference, September 24, 2021

This presentation, developed by Gordon Mayer, Gordon Mayer Communications and Alice Aguilar, PTP, helps groups explore how infrastructure, technology, organizational culture, skills, and communications are key to fundraising.


  • Intro & Logistics
  • What we mean by infrastructure
  • Infrastructure: Technology/Data & Organizational Culture
  • Q&A


Don't let social distancing stop organizing! From the very basics of creating a meeting activity through the intricacies of organizing a team to do phone outreach and generating reports of attendance, Building Community through Participation will cover everything you need to know about event organizing. The course combines the technical with political analysis, facilitation tips and discussion around building an inclusive and respectful meeting culture both online and in-person.


Now more then ever we are fighting over the story that will shape our understanding of the current crisis and what comes next. In Controlling the Narrative we will learn the mechanics of building email templates, composing beautiful and responsive messages, segmenting your lists, sending mass SMS messages, measuring and understanding our click through rates, as well as strategies around messaging and integrating these efforts across your campaign.

Prerequisite: Comfortable creating and using groups.

This PowerBase online workshop was conducted on Monday, February 12, 2018.

Have you been wanting to creating email templates that look smashingly wonderful on smartphones in PowerBase?

Well, a new extension in PowerBase uses Mosaico which can help you create email templates easily. And you can still use the traditional PowerBase / CiviCRM Mailing feature and still have access to your existing templates. We'll show you how!

Here's documentation on how to use the Mosaico feature in PowerBase.

This REVERB Online webinar, originally recorded on March 5, 2015, features a discussion with Alicia Garza, co-founder of #BlackLivesMatter, with lessons learned from her experience using messaging, technology and social media to organize a 21st century movement that confronts racism and the murders of unarmed black men and children. This discussion highlights how the #BlackLivesMatter movement has been effective in using technology to build a movement.


This REVERB training will help participants learn how to:

  • Use and design your emails to get your constituents to pay attention to your messages
  • Use and design your website to better engage your audience
  • Use Twitter in appropriate ways for your organizing and communication campaigns
  • Use Facebook in ways to enhance your outreach efforts for your organizing and communications
  • Write an “elevator pitch” for use on your website and other communications
  • Use imagery to tell your story
  • Use video to tell your story to a targeted audience
  • How to integrate communications technology for your overall campaign strategies
  • Be agile in planning your communications using workflows and other planning tools
  • Improve your collection of meaningful data and learn how data can inform your communications strategies and your technology choices to effectively engage your constituents
  • Implement your communication strategies using PowerBase / CiviCRM (Day 3 only)