
Please find below a list of many of the trainings that the Progressive Technology Project has conducted over the years. Each training contains links to materials used in the trainings.

This session focuses on the workaround to do batch updating of event participants' information using profiles. We will be working on the PowerBase solution during the development of Phase II.


Here's the recording for Day 4 on:

  • working with the email salutation field and token for email message templates
  • Understanding Profiles
  • Creating Profiles for Search views [to be revisited on Day 5]
  • Creating Profiles for Batch updates
  • Creating Profiles for use with online Event Registration

Here's the recording for Day 3 on:

  • Configuring your email
  • Sending direct email to an individual or group of contacts
  • Sending mass email using message templates
  • working with tokens in an email message template

Here's the recording for Day 2 training on:

  • Searches
  • Smart groups vs. static groups
  • Exporting contacts
  • Creating Events
  • Creating Activities

Below is the recording for the first PowerBase Pilot Project training on:

  • Administrator Tasks: creating new user accounts, permissions and roles, creating contact records for staff in PowerBase
  • Configuring PowerBase with custom data
  • Relationships between Individuals and Organizations
  • how to handle householding

Here are the training materials we used for our 1st PowerBase training for the pilot groups on September, 14, 2009 in San Francisco at the Mitchell Kapor Foundation.


Dazzle your friends! Astound your coworkers! Be the coolest organizer on the block with Mail Merge!

Don’t know what mail merge is? Quite simply, it is the techie tool of your dreams. Have data in Excel that needs to get into a Word document? Need to print labels, create phone lists, or print walksheets? Mail merge is what you need.


If your voter work made you think you needed to dig into your membership database or technology planning process, check out PTP's Community Organizing and Technology Institute on Databases and Technology Assessment and Planning:


This session on Basic Excel will cover the following:
• Create a basic spreadsheet
• Utilize a few formulas
• Link spreadsheets
• Formatting for on and off screen
