
Please find below a list of many of the trainings that the Progressive Technology Project has conducted over the years. Each training contains links to materials used in the trainings.

Learn to deliver presentations that really drive your message home. PTP's hour-long PowerPoint webinar covers the technical ins and outs of using PowerPoint comfortably and presentation best practices.

  • Changing a Presentation Look (working with master slides)
  • Slide Animation
  • Adding Sounds and Movies to a Slide

Are you finding duplicates in your PowerBase? You might have multiple records for a single person or organization in your database, and you don't want to lose ANY of the info in either one.

This training covers the following:

This training covers removing duplicate records in your database:

  • removing duplicate records, or "de-duping"

PTP held a two-day PowerBase & Organizing training in Oakland, CA November 14-15. Oakland Rising hosted the training when we had technical difficulties at the venue we had booked, and the training would have flopped without OR. PTP thanks Oakland Rising for making their office available in a pinch!

Download the materials we used at the training below.


Do you need to get a huge amount of data into PowerBase quickly? Do you have tens or hundreds of new contacts from a recent door-knocking event or meeting that you need to get into PowerBase right away?


A tutorial on how to do a "mail merge" — merge data onto letters, membership lists, and labels using Word/Excel 2008 for Mac users.

  • Preparing an Excel sheet for mail merge
  • Creating a document with merged data in Word
  • Reusing your merge document
  • Merging data for labels
  • Call List example

A tutorial on how to do a "mail merge" — merge data onto letters, membership lists, and labels using Word/Excel 2007 for PC users:

  • Preparing an Excel sheet for mail merge
  • Creating a document with merged data in Word
  • Reusing your merge document
  • Merging data for labels
  • Call List example

PTP & Palante Tech held a two-day PowerBase & Organizing training in New York City on September 20-21.

To access the complete CiviCRM guide online, click here.

We covered the following:

  • Adding a new contact
  • Tracking turnout & collecting data from forms on your website (Profiles)

Understanding CiviCampaign

In organizing, much of our work is organized into campaigns. Your database should reflect how you do your work, right? This online training focuses on CiviCampaign. With CiviCampaign, you can:

  • connect events, communications, fundraising, and activities all under one campaign "umbrella"

A tutorial on how to:

  • Filtering & Sorting
  • Understanding Clean Data/Paste Special
  • String Parsing (or, how to make messy data CLEAN!)
  • Merging Data
  • Formulas
  • Creating a Chart / Graph
  • Pivot Table

A tutorial on how to:

  • Orient yourself in Excel and find the tools you need (menus, tools)
  • Enter data correctly and use the right lingo (sheets, columns, records, cells)
  • Format spreadsheets & data exactly how you want (data types, column headings, copy & paste, inserting/deleting rows or columns)