
Please find below a list of many of the trainings that the Progressive Technology Project has conducted over the years. Each training contains links to materials used in the trainings.


Community Agreements

Intro & Political Education - N

Political discussion about a handful of recent corporate data breaches. Question for round of introductions: Have you ever experienced a data breach or identity theft or a compromised online account? How do you operate differently - individually or as an organization to avoid this problem?

Share: Your name, Pronouns, Organization, where you're located, and OPTIONALLY respond to questions from our political discussion.


See below for 40 practice CSV Zoom participant import spread sheets. These sheets are in the same format that Zoom provides when you export participants.

Please choose the sheet based on the number in your training user name.


See below for 40 practice CSV Facebook Contributions import spread sheets. These sheets are in the same format that Facebook provides when you export contributions.

Please choose the sheet based on the number in your training user name.



Your data can come from everywhere - online forms, sign in sheets, other databases and more. However, it won't help you organize unless it's properly parsed and de-duplicated. In Advanced Data Strategies, we'll cover how to effectively import spread sheets from other services and how to keep your data clean using deduplication and automatic merging.

Prerequisite: Comfortable adding and editing contacts, contributions, events and activities.

Measuring Engagement

Every organization has a different method for engaging their constituents, measuring that engagement and developing new leaders. This training covers the organizing principles and tools available to help with the process.

Discussion: 15 minutes

Question: What are your criteria for determining if someone is ready to take on a leadership role? Open a riseup pad, ask people to type them in.

Add two categories to the top of the list:



With the economy in shambles, now is an important time to tighten our fundraising strategies and reinforce our networks of support and mutual aid. Raising Money while Capitalism Collapses focuses on building financial support using contribution pages, peer-to-peer giving campaigns, $X in X weeks sprint-style campaigns and integrating these campaigns into our organizing work so we can build holistic campaigns that support our communities.

Prerequisite: Comfortable creating and using groups.

Presented at Stories+Money=Change Conference, September 24, 2021

This presentation, developed by Gordon Mayer, Gordon Mayer Communications and Alice Aguilar, PTP, helps groups explore how infrastructure, technology, organizational culture, skills, and communications are key to fundraising.


  • Intro & Logistics
  • What we mean by infrastructure
  • Infrastructure: Technology/Data & Organizational Culture
  • Q&A


Don't let social distancing stop organizing! From the very basics of creating a meeting activity through the intricacies of organizing a team to do phone outreach and generating reports of attendance, Building Community through Participation will cover everything you need to know about event organizing. The course combines the technical with political analysis, facilitation tips and discussion around building an inclusive and respectful meeting culture both online and in-person.


Now more then ever we are fighting over the story that will shape our understanding of the current crisis and what comes next. In Controlling the Narrative we will learn the mechanics of building email templates, composing beautiful and responsive messages, segmenting your lists, sending mass SMS messages, measuring and understanding our click through rates, as well as strategies around messaging and integrating these efforts across your campaign.

Prerequisite: Comfortable creating and using groups.


Intended for beginners but open to all, Introduction to Powerbase lays the foundation for using the database. In addition to receiving an overview of everything Powerbase can do, you will learn basic skills including how to login, change your password, enter new contacts, organize data, and conduct simple searches. It concludes with the concept of groups and the all important "smart" group.
