
Please find below a list of many of the trainings that the Progressive Technology Project has conducted over the years. Each training contains links to materials used in the trainings.


Materials will not be printed for you at the training. If you want a paper copy, please download and print before you come.

For all days, please review the Starter Ground Rules


Back to Fundamentals


Explain that we teach in the context of organizing so today is going to be organized along the lines of a campaign.

Show info graphic.


Back to Fundamentals


Where does your web site live?

Ask the group: Where does your web site live?

Drill down on the answers until you get:

  1. On a hard drive
  2. On a server
  3. In a cabinet
  4. In a colocation center
  5. In a city

Who owns the hard drive? Who can get that data on the hard drive? How?

Where does your powerbase live?

Break it down.


Back to Fundamentals


Explain that we are going to break into small groups for people who want to practice contribution pages and those who want to practice events.

Remind people of the ground rules, especially: encourage those with more knowledge to teach and let those with less experience do the creating

As for show of hands: * Who wants to practice Contribution Pages? Break into groups of 2 - 3 people * Who wants to practice Events? Break into groups of 2 - 3 people


Back to Advanced


Online organizing means collecting information from people and disseminating information to people via the Internet, as opposed to via the phone, door knocking, conferences etc. This lesson covers collecting information from interested people.


Familiarize ourselves with the various ways to collect data online: Web forms, contribution pages, event pages, membership pages, petitions. Also cover: Social Media integration.


Back to Advanced


Sometimes you want to collect data and there is no place to put it in your database. Custom fields allow you to add those fields. Profiles, on the other hand, are a collection of existing fields.


Think through how to collect data, how to organize data and how to engage your comrades in figuring it all out.

Understand the difference between profiles and custom data.


1 hour


Back to Advanced


Collecting information in spreadsheets and then moving them into PowerBase can be efficient, and we will learn how to do that for Contacts and Event Participants.


Understand how information needs to be structured in order to be able to import successfully.


Comfort with spreadsheet software, good understanding of how PowerBase creates contact records and event participant records.


50 Minutes TOTAL:


Return to "Building Community through Participation" curriculum

Starter Ground Rules

Political Education

Show the timeline presentation.

Go around: Ask folks to share their Name, organization, pronouns, and OPTIONAL: What historical moments or events are missing from the timeline or what resonates with you?


Powerbase Training

Location: Ginn Parlour, 1233 Preservation Park Way, Oakland, CA 94612
Date: Monday, March 9, 9:00 - 5:00 pm

Additional Documentation and resources:


Powerbase offers a three day, in-person training on how to use the Powerbase database.
