how are folks [in Access] separating voter info from the main contact info when you get your dbase enhanced? i want to create a different table for the election info but I'm not sure how to separate it when it comes back.
Archive Tips
Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.
What is database enhancement?
What is it used for?
What is the best way to do it?
Can anyone share with me their ideas of how they are linking up donor information from bookkeep software to the database? We are now doing double entry. We like to be more efficient about this.
Please feel free to e-mail me with comments. I am especially eager to hear from other web developers with a Flash background. Thanks.
Greetings from South Los Angeles, everyone.
I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a Video Conferencing program and if anyone had any success/failure stories in using such technology at their organization. Please post or e-mail if you do. Thanks!
Warmest regards,
Risa Brown
I am trying to help another organization export all of the payment information and all contact information for all individuals from ebase. I'm not sure what I'm doing - or what I'm doing wrong - but when I get the payment file it does not match the names file. I don't know much about ebase, but I'm assuming that the 'contribution62' from the names file should match the 'contribution62's in the payment file. When I checked what's in the export against what is in ebase, they don't match. Does anyone have any experience with this? I am really not very familiar with ebase and I'm not even sure that I'm exporting the correct payment information. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
This forum is for questions related to how to use the COaTI intranet. If you're wondering about the difference between a book, page, or story, or are wondering if you can edit or change things you've written after posting them, this is the forum for you.
Any and all questions relating to use of the intranet are appropriate, so please post away. And remember: *there are no bad questions*
Looking through the evaluation forms, it looks like a number of you had questions related to databases that you didn't get addressed over the course of the first COaTI session. If you have questions that you'd like answered, please consider posting them here.