Archive Tips

Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.

How do I save to the cd drive on my mac? For instance, if I've created a word document, how can I save it to the cd drive.


What is an RSS feed? Why would I want one on my website?


I could talk with you about setting up a wireless network


I am wondering if anyone out there has used SMS (cell phone text messaging) to do blast outreach. Did it work? What did you learn from the experience? Is it worth encouraging other organizers to consider the option? What did you use? UPOC? txtmob?


PTP staff have been somewhat secretly blogging for a while now, and since I recently learned that some CoaTI participants are blogging too, I thought it was time to start the list of coati bloggers:

Arif's blog:
Mark's blog:


Anyone worked with or know of any web designers who could help us design a cool-looking website? The only web designers who seem to return our calls make websites for unions, so we can't tell if they are capable of creating a site that's more exciting.


I am looking for tools that will help someone create PDFs from a Windows computer? Do you all have feedback on any of these tools?

PDF Creator (

CutePDF (

Create PDF (

I am also trying to pull together some tips on keeping file size down in PDFs


I'm looking for something relatively cheap & easy to learn that I can make maps with. Having never used mapping software before, I don't have any idea what to look for. Any ideas?

[textile]You can use any rules you want to standardize the names in your database, but USPS bulk mail standards are a good place to start. Not only is it easier on the post office to have mail consistently addressed, consistent data makes it infinitely easier to match your member records against voter information files or plot your members on a map. Even if you aren't planning to do those things now, it is worth taking some time to commit to a standard so that you keep the option open.


Can anyone think of a relatively easy way to combine the records of a couple living at the same address into one record? I can identify them pretty well, (same address, same last name, different first name) but I can't come up with an automated way to merge them. It's not worth the savings in postage to merge them by hand. It might be worth noting that most of our duplicates in the address field aren't really dups (eg multiple people working at the same org), which is why I'm not even thinking of trying to merge couples with different last names at the same address, & that sometimes the "couple" at the same address is really one person (eg Bill & William).
