Archive Tips

Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.

Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning of smartMeme will deepen the framing and messaging discussion by introducing the set of tools smartMeme has evolved to help groups develop a story-based approach to frames and messages.

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Katherine McFate of the Ford Foundation will provide an overview of the importance and value of framing as well as different approaches to developing powerful frames.

Katherine will also present new polling information that gives a snapshot of current trends in public opinion – invaluable information as organizations work to create resonant frames and messages.


Below you will find a list of general technology resources of key portals used for non-profits and links to sites used effectively for organizing.

  • General Technology Resources - Here's a list of organizations that help you increase your access and ability to use technology.

Financial resources are crucial to supporting your group's technology infrastructure, as well as strategic uses in organizing. Below you will find very useful tips on how to structure a technology proposal, and where to go for funding.


Electronic Media and Digital Storytelling Resources - Media creation examples and digital story telling resources.

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  • Californians for Justice: Californians for Justice (CFJ) Strategic uses of databases, desktop publishing, file sharing, on-line and fax tools and the capacity needs to use them are highlighted.

We are finding that the best way for groups to think strategically about technology is to follow a thoughtful assessment and planning process. PTP has created three draft documents that you may find useful.

The Technology Assessment Guide: focuses on the work you are doing today, and how technology is being used. It takes stock of your organization's programmatic and technical status.


What is an acceptable frequency re: events on Facebook? We have two events within a week and I'm trying to think that through. Also just want to point out that FB yields lots of yeses but few come through. Are others finding this to be true? It feels like a more of an "I am down" type of yes, that doesn't generate a lot for live events. Maybe better for strictly online events?


In a world saturated with media, communications can be a powerful strategy in changing the world we live in. The secret to smart and effective communications isn’t in the hottest new social networking site, or using text messages to reach your audience. Communications truly becomes effective when strategic communications thinking is manifested in all aspects of your work.


The 2008 Elections are over.

So now what do you do about all the contacts you've made during your voter engagement work? Are you wondering how to integrate all this information back into your organizational database? Have you thought about what types of information would be important to capture from your voter engagement work?
