
UPDATED! Pardon the appearance of the site while we upgrade the software

Update: Some aspects of the site are still being transitioned. For example - the database screenshots need to be restored. We expect to have that complete over the day or so. Please contact us if you notice any problems with the site.

Hey folks. We're in the middle of upgrading the COaTI intranet software. What that means is that this site might look a little stange for the next 24 hours or so as we work through the upgrade. All functions and content are here and usable, but it might look a little off until we're done.

Where to find free graphics

I am looking for good sources of clip art and graphics that are available for use. I know that Rini Templeton's site was suggested:

does anyone know of other good sources of free graphics? I have found other good art at: (under stickers ... she explains how she wants to be credited if you use her graphics)

COaTI Intranet - COaTI Listserve integration!

As promised, we've setup integration between the COaTI intranet and email lists. Posting to the forum will automatically post to the listserve, and posts to the listserve will be posted to the COaTI Intranet.

The lists are set up so that you can choose to subscribe to any of the topic areas within the COaTI intranet - Database, Graphics and Graphic Design, Privacy and Security, Websites.
Go to this page to select the lists you want to subscribe to.

COaTI Intranet > Listserve integration

As promised, we've setup integration between the COaTI intranet and email lists. Posting to the forum will automatically post to the listserve, and posts to the listserve will be posted to the COaTI Intranet.

It's set up so that you can choose to subscribe to any of the topic areas within the COaTI intranet - Database, Graphics and Graphic Design, Privacy and Security, Websites.

To subscribe to the lists, click on the following links:

Updates on the updates

As you can see, the COaTI intranet looks pretty different. A major point of feedback we received was that the site was kind of hard to navigate, so we've tried to clean that up with a simpler design as well as improved navigation elements.

Right now, most things are working, and we're in the process of building in some new functionality. One thing that *isn't* working is the file upload/download function. We're working on that, and expect to have it fixed by the end of the day. Additionally, we're working on tying the listserve and intranet forums together - with luck that will be working by the end of today as well.

Changes and Updates to the COaTI intranet

We've received a lot of great feedback from all of you related to making this site more useful and user-friendly. As a result of that feedback, I'm in the process of making many of the changes that were suggested. Please bear with us as we make these changes - all changes should be complete by Monday morning, August 9th. Some things on the site may not work between now and then. If you notice