Moving towards an integrated grassroots fundraising culture: data, tools, and practices - Part 1

GIFT Conference in Baltimore, MD
August 2, 2014 10:30AM - 12:30PM

These are the handouts and notes from a workshop PTP presented at the GIFT Money For Our Movement Conference 2014. Use them for your work. If you reuse them, please be sure to acknowledge where they came from. If you have any questions contact Jessica at or (512)782-8467.


  • We will discuss what we mean by an “integrated” grassroots fundraising campaign by looking at elements of a sprint campaign model
  • Share Case Studies of Integrated Grassroots fundraising campaigns
  • As a group, we will experiment with workflows as a tool to develop a team-building practice to plan, streamline, align, and execute your grassroots fundraising efforts
  • We will conduct an open Q& A and share resources on developing an effective integrated grassroots fundraising campaign
Training Category: 