Introduction to send mass mailings and printing mailing labels.
Ensure participants are familiar with the basic steps of sending an email using CiviMail and printing labels using the Print Label Action menu from the search results page.
Participants must be familiar with running searches and creating groups.
60 Minutes total
Overview (5 Minutes):
Explain that we are now going to send post cards and email people reminders about the event.
Mailing Labels Demo (10 Minutes)
Printing mailing labels. Ask a volunteer to take us through the steps of finding everyone in our target zip code. Next, select Mailing Labels and then the size.
Using simple mail vs Mosaico
Demonstrate way to send single mail to one or more contacts (via activities or via search).
Explain: limited to just 50 contacts, no click throughs or tracking. Only useful for one offs
Mosaico Mail Demo (25 Minutes)
Go to first page of CiviMail and show how you need a group to send the message to. Ask: What group should we use? Elicit answer: everyone! But – what about people without email addresses?
Go to: Contacts → Manage Groups and show them the existing group: Every person with Email. Demonstrate how that group was created (% is wild card).
First Screen:
Naming conventions: name of mailing and subject line can be different! The name only shows up to PowerBase users. Pick a good name.
Recipients: Include/Exclude: explain. After you have added our first mailing, you will also be able to include/exclude from previous mailings
Template: Explain difference between default versifix template and any templates we may have created. Avoid the other default templates.
Demonstrate how to add text and add a link.
Value of testing: You must test in many email clients, on phone, etc.
Explain all options – and how Click throughs are more reliable than opens.
Advise against Track Replies (replies may get missed). Mailing visibility: If you are sending the agenda to your Board meeting, might want to not make it public.
Immediately doesn't mean immediately.
Final Exercise
Everyone must create their own mass mailing to their contacts.