Archive Tips

Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.

Here's a PDF of the slides from the Bulk Email Examples Slideshow

File attachments:

We're asking each organization to fill this out - only one person from your organization needs to fill this out.

Click Here to take survey


We know that you love creating technology plans and writing RFPs, and we know that sometimes, you probably wonder if you really need to write up an RFP. Here are some guidelines to help you decide if an RFP is really what you need:


Attached is the slideshow on data flow diagrams


A simple list to practice survival Excel skills.

File attachments:

* Sample RFP Timeline/Process ("TechSoup, May 2006":
* "Sample RFP Library":
** RFP process help as well as sample RFPs for websites, networks, etc.


# Basic Image Manipulation (resizing, cropping, file conversion, compression for web-readiness)
** "Picasa": from Google (free, windows/mac/linux)
*** resize, crop, change file type, export for web/email use (automated)
*** maintain albums, upload to web, easy "effects", undo
*** batch processing by exporting a group of photos and changing size/compression
** "Adobe Photoshop": (TechSoup-$60, normal-$649, windows/mac)


* What do you want to get out of COaTI for yourself?

* What do you want to see at your organization as a result of COaTI?

* How will you know that these goals have been achieved?

* What will you see that will show you your time has been well spent?


Note: in some cases, we elected to link to long handouts rather than print out copies for everyone. The resources we link to are linked because they won't be used during the sessions. Rather, they serve as resources for further study.

If you're not a fan of our paper saving efforts, let us know.

March 26, 2007

6:00pm - 7:00pm Dinner

7:00 pm - 7:30pm Welcome, intros


Attached is the agenda for the upcoming COaTI at Sunrise Ranch in Colorado.

File attachments: