Search Kit Workshop and Practice Time

Welcome (5 - 10 minutes)

Quick welcome, name and organization introductions

Demo (30 - 45 minutes)

  1. Big picture: why use searchkit slides
  2. Demo: screen cast
  3. How contacts relate to other parts of the database
  4. Questions

Hands on time (60 minutes)

  1. Hand out logins to training database
  2. Keeping track: save all your searches with your first name

Repeat the demo search in phases, but build it yourself:

  1. List the name and phone number of everyone in the database (Hint: Add "Contact Phones" Entity)
  2. List the name and phone number of everyone who has made a completed contribution (Hint: Add "Contact Contributions" entity)
  3. List the name and phone number of everyone who has made a completed contribution OR is in the Donor Prospects group (Hint: Click "And" drop down and change to "Or")
  4. List the name, phone number, biggest donation, and date of last donation for: everyone who has made a completed contribution OR is in the Donor Prospects group (Hint: Under "Group By" select "Contact Id", then look in "Field Transformations").

Similar search, but with events and email:

  1. List the name and email of everyone in the database (Hint: Add "Contact Emails" Entity)
  2. List the name and email of everyone who has attended an event (*Hint: Add "Contact Participants" entity)
  3. List the name, email, date of most recently attended event, list of the titles of all the events for: everyone who has attended an event (*Hint: Add "Participant Event" entity, Under "Group By" select "Contact Id", then look in "Field Transformations")

Shove it all in there together:

  1. List the name, email, mobile home number, home address and last contribution date (if they have one) of everyone in the database
  2. Limit to people who have registered or attended an event in the last two years

Go negative:

  1. List the names of everyone who has ever attended an event
  2. Further limit to people who have never made a contribution (Hint: Use "With optional" Contact Contribution and in Where clause set Contribution ID to empty)

Get relational:

  1. List the names of everyone in the database
  2. Limit to people with an "Employer Of" relationship (Hint: Use "With required" Contact Related Contact entity)
  3. Further limit to the names of individuals, with an "Employer Of" relationship to an organization with the constituent type "Government" (Hint: In the Where field selection, go all the way down to the "Contact Related Contacts" section).


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