Importing Event Participants from a Spreadsheet: Register via search results method


This screen cast shows how to import a sign-in spread sheet for an event by importing the contacts, and then assigning the group you imported to an event.

Note: This tip is the easiest way to import participant records. However, all participants will end up with the same participation status (e.g. "attended").

If your spreadsheet includes different details about each contact's participation (e.g. if some of them should be coded as attended and some as no-shows or you have one sheet with participation records spanning different events), you may want to follow our alternative guide on importing participation spread sheets.


  • Create the event as an offline event
  • Clean up data and save spreadsheet as a .csv file
  • Import contacts using “fill” or "update" duplicates options as needed. Choose the option on the last import page to add all contacts to a new group.
  • Search for the group you just created, select all records, under Actions dropdown > select Register Participants for Event > then add them to the event

Other Tips:

Screen cast:

Collecting and Managing Contact Information
Event Management
Importing Data