Adding mobile friendly contribution pages using Simple Donate

Make your contribution page shine

As more and more people are accessing the Internet from their phones, it is critical that your contribution pages are easy to use on these small devices.

PTP's mobile donate page Example of a Mobile Friendly Donation Page

Get a mobile friendly theme

The first step is to get a custom theme for your PowerBase site that matches your main web site. If you don't have one and you are on a support contract, please contact support to request one and we will set it up. If you do have one, contact support to ensure it is mobile friendly. We will update your theme if necessary.

Configure your custom theme to work on simple donate pages

To tell your site to display your special theme on simple donate pages, we go to our "Theme Key" configuration settings by Clicking the Administration link in the left sidebar. This is your Drupal administration link, not the CiviCRM one that appears in the top menu.

Click Administration -> Configuration -> User Interface -> Theme Key

Select Theme Key Link

Next, scroll to the bottom of the Theme Key configuration page and create a new rule that will display your theme whenever a simple donate page is being accessed.

Add a theme key rule

Ensure the Simple Donate extension is enabled

The mobile friendly contribution is provided via a CiviCRM extension called Simple Donate. First, ensure it is enabled by clicking Administer -> System Settings -> Manage Extensions.

Install Extensions

If you do not see this menu item, then you may not have permission to install extensions. Either ask your PowerBase point person to do it for you or contact support. NOTE: some versions of PowerBase have the "Manage Extensions" menu under the Administer -> Customize Data and Screens section.

On the Manage Extensions page you should see Simple Donate listed. If it has an "install" link, then it means it is not yet installed. Click the install link and follow the directions to enable it. If there is a "disable" link, then it means you are already to go.

Chose the contribution page you want to display

Set contribution page that you would like to use as your mobile donation page by click Administer -> CiviContribute -> Simple Donate Configuration.

Simple Donate Configuration Menu

Choose the contribution page that you want to make available via the mobile-friendly page.

Choose the contribution page

Go to your new page

Lastly, access the page via the live or test menu item.

Choose to view the live or test page

The live address will always be:

Be sure to change "YOURGROUP" to your actual group (e.g.

Customizing PowerBase