Handout of tips for creating a YouTube Video
Archive Tips
Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.
At the December 2007 COaTI, during the Graphic and Layout Design workshop, Marcos mentioned the book, "Why Bad Design Happens to Good Causes" by Andy Goodman. Mr. Goodman is giving copies of the book away, one per each non-profit. To order your book go to http://www.agoodmanonline.com/publications/how_bad_presentations_happen/ and follow the link to order.
I just bookmarked two tutorials for creating rounded images, one using Photoshop CS, the other using Xara Xtreme
find the tutorials here in my del.ico.us links in the coati+graphics tags
Notes from the Design 101 workshop, including links to web-based resources.
- The point here is not to make graphic designers out of all of us. However, many of us will need to design different kinds of materials - flyers, postcards, handouts, newsletters and brochures - in-house, without relying on outside designers. Here are some pointers to help you in basic graphic design work.
want to add special graphics and change fonts to body of email
quiero saver como hacer las nuevas miembrecias en la computadora
i want to know how to make membership cards on the computer
How to post a rather large newsletter file to a website without slowing down access to the website?
I'm looking for something relatively cheap & easy to learn that I can make maps with. Having never used mapping software before, I don't have any idea what to look for. Any ideas?
Hey COaTI:
"Adobe's Software Donation Program allows schools and nonprofits/NGOs to request a maximum of four (4) software packages per year. The program is managed in partnership with Gifts In Kind International."