Archive Tips

Archived tips provide helpful pointers for grassroots organizers on using technology. These tips were written many years ago and may be outdated. All PowerBase releated tips can be found on the PowerBase Tips Page.

We are looking for the best software for producing and tracking e-newsletters. Right now we do not have a database--we simply have a list (on paper) of current and potential donors. Any advice? Email suggestions and horror stories if they will help to Thanks!!


hey~ Anyone using an open-source CMS (Drupal, Joomla, Plone...)?

Anyone havea a good open-source CMS developer?

Let me know, thanks!


A simple list to practice survival Excel skills.

File attachments:

One of our coalitions has a few problems with their website at the moment. The person who initially created the website has vanished, and the company hosting the domain will not initiate the process of trying to contact him until he doesn't reply enough times that they transfer the domain to the organization. They do not have the password to the domain control panel, so they can't set up e-mail or anything like that. Any ideas?


Hi All,

I was looking for some software that could "scrub" a Word document clean after changes and comments were saved to it. I found this software ( and was wondering if anyone out there has used it or heard anything about it.

Thanks for your input!


So I've volunteered to take the lead in putting together a 15 minute presentation to CBE staff in both offices (during our Statewide Staff Mtg via teleconference) and want to get some feedback from folks on what should be covered. Any materials I should distribute beforehand? I want to share some of the tools we learned about, and the great ideas around integrating technology into organizing and other organizational work.


* "OSHA Ergonomic Solutions: Computer Workstations eTool - Index for Computer Workstations":
* "Computer Ergonomics - Stanford":


Windows Server 2003 uses *Active Directory* to control permissions for the server and for client machines.

* "Microsoft Server 2003 Active Directory Site":


* "New Mexico Tech Connect: Computer Reruns":
* "":


* Sample RFP Timeline/Process ("TechSoup, May 2006":
* "Sample RFP Library":
** RFP process help as well as sample RFPs for websites, networks, etc.
